System Developer: HL7 Messages


System Developer can manage HL7 sources, queued messages, held messages, HL7 errors, manage and migrate archives. These operations are described below.


Logging in as a System Developer

You need to be logged in as a System Developer to proceed with this tutorial. Navigate to Administration tab on the main dashboard on the top of the page and locate HL7 Messages chapter.

HL7 messages

Available operations

Manage HL7 Sources

Manage HL7 Sources will redirect you to the form where you can either add a new HL7 source or edit an existing one.

manage sources

Click Add HL7 Source to access the form where you can fill in information about a new source or click on the name of the existing source to edit it.

HL7 source

Manage Queued Messages, Held Messages, Errors, HL7 Archives

Each of Manage Queued Messages, Held Messages, Errors, HL7 Archives redirects you to the similar table where you can search for respective items. The example is shown below.

HL7 table

Migrate HL7 Archives

Migrate HL7 Archives is intended to migrate system archives.

manage field types


A System Developer can perform different operations to manage HL7 messages in the system.