System Developer: Person


System Developer can manage persons, personal information and attribute types. These operations are described below.


Logging in as a System Developer

You need to be logged in as a System Developer to proceed with this tutorial. Navigate to Administration tab on the main dashboard on the top of the page and locate Person chapter.

person chapter

Available operations

Manage Persons

Manage Persons will redirect you to the form where you can either search a person or create a new one.

create a person

Click Create Person to access the form where you can fill in information about a new person.

filling in personal info

Once you are ready, click Create Person. This will redirect you to the second form where you can add more information about this person. Add more information if needed and click Save Person at the bottom of the page. You will see a notification at the top of the page that the person is saved and be redirected once more to the similar-looking form with one additional option - Delete Person.

delete a person

Relationship Type Management

Click Relationship Type Management to see available relationship types or add a new one. To add a new relationship type, click Add Relationship Type.

create a relationship type

Fill in information on the new relationship and click Save Relationship Type

save a new relationship

You will see this new type in the list of available types and can change or delete it by clicking on it and making necessary changes.

delete relationship type

You can also Manage Relationship Type Views by selecting the corresponding dropdown ordering options.

relationship type views

Person Attribute Management

Person Attribute Management allows viewing, changing and saving attribute types. Select an attribute type from the list to be able to change it or fill in the form below the list to add a new one.

person attribute management changing attribute type


A System Developer can perform different operations to manage persons in the system.